About Alma Awards

About Alma Awards

The Alma World awards program honors People and Organizations through Presidential Award and Global Excellence Award from throughout the National and international level that demonstrates exceptional effects, services, unique performance, innovation approach and excellence. The awards present are not only well-known or well-established organizations for their appreciative performance but also to smaller institutes or academies in less developed areas of the nation and their valuable orientations.. The excellent awards are given at the annual conference of Alma World to members, media icons, social activists and nominated People and Organizations for their excellent work.

Alma World confers Awards in various categories of member’s working fields. Awards categories include Human-Rights, Environment, Health, Education, National Integration & Peace, Women Empowerment, Climate Change, Media, Humanity, Child Welfare, Humanitarian Services, Upliftment of Poverty -Covid- 19 Pandemic Awareness Award and other orientations. An Award Selection Committee (ASC) comprises a group of expertise drawn from National level and Government Organization. The ASC will have respectively to select the winners from among the nominations received.

Following are the awards

  • Presidential Award
  • Global Excellence Award

Details fpr each awards are in the awards scion of this website